'LAPS' Launch

'LAPS' stands for Listening And Praying Scripture. It's our effort as a church to be more intentional in our prayers as we listen to and pray scripture while walking 'laps' around our homes, neighborhoods, work places, and YMCA. Click here to read more.
Why now?
There is never a wrong time to pray and there is never a better time to pray than now! The world was turned upside down by the coronavirus in a way many have never experienced. Everyone has been affected in one way or another. Countless people around our world have contracted the virus and have even died from the virus. Many more are doing their best to not contract the virus themselves or spread it to others by obeying shelter in place orders and practicing social distancing. Work, school, sports, events, and so much more has been closed, canceled, or moved online. Our host YMCA had to close their doors which meant that our own church gatherings had to be canceled.
Nevertheless, that doesn't leave us without hope! During a time in our nation and world when everything seems uncertain, Christians ought to hold tightly to what we know is certain, God and his Word! God is still on his throne and he was the only one not caught off guard by the coronavirus pandemic. God is sovereign over infectious diseases (Lev 14:34) and everything else this world throws at us. He either allows it to happen or causes it to happen and only he knows his ultimate purposes. However, we know his purposes are good because he alone is good and he works all things together for good for those who love him (Rom 8:28). We need to be able to say what Job said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." (Job 1:21)
This situation also leaves us with an opportunity. We have an opportunity to spend more time with God in his Word and in prayer! One area of the Christian life that people never seem to be pleased with is their prayer life and maybe it will always be that way no matter how much we grow. Nevertheless, could it be that one reason we are not satisfied with our prayer life is because we have never been taught to pray like Jesus prayed? Jesus often recited and prayed God's Word and we too ought to be listening to and praying God's Word.
What if we came out of this time of quarentine having learned to listen to and pray the scriptures? What if, for the first time, we experienced significant growth in our commitment to the Scriptures and prayer? Wouldn't every other area in our life be changed? There is not a better time than now to spend intentional focused time in the Bible and prayer, not only for our own sake, but for the sake of the lost and dying world around us that have no hope.
Please take some time to read through our LAPS page to help us as a church become a people who listen to and pray the Scriptures.
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