IMG_1516Colton Yarbro

Pastoral Resident

Who Are You?

My name is Colton Yarbro. I have been married to my lovely wife Erica since November 2010. We have 4 children (Micah, Gideon, Arwen, and Molly). I enjoy reading fiction and non-fiction in paper, digital, or audio formats. Fantasy, biography, theology, and thriller are just a few of the many genres I enjoy. I also love both playing and listening to music. Anything from the most ambient and soft indie to the heaviest of metals.

What Do You Do?

I am a pastoral resident here at The Fields with the great hope of being sent out to plant a church in the Ryan Family YMCA in south Fort Worth in 2024. I serve in any roles I can to assist the elders at the Fields Church. I am driven by the glory of Christ and the hope of his gospel for every tribe, language, and nation.

Where Did You Come From?

I grew up in what I affectionately refer to as "the sticks" near the small town of Itasca, TX. My family had many animals (horses, cows, chickens, goats, and all the other things Old McDonald liked to keep around). I got my Bachelors Degree in Theology from Liberty University, and have served in pastoral ministry in various churches since 2010. I am currently halfway through my Master of Divinity at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary thanks to the wonderful gift of distance learning.

When Were You Saved?

I grew up in a gospel-preaching church where my grandfather was the pastor. I was justified at the age of 7. I didn't know the depths of the gospel, but God brought my spiritually dead heart to life so that I knew I needed Jesus. I was baptized shortly after and had many on again and off again doubts in my later years about whether I was really saved. But God has assured me of my salvation through showing me the growth and affection for his name he has produced over the years—something that would not be possible if I was still dead in my sins.

How Has The Gospel Impacted You Recently?

The gospel impacts me daily, but most recently, it has been in response to feelings of failure as a husband and father. The gospel reminds me that my job as a husband and father is not to try really hard to be amazing at those roles, but to remember that I am already forgiven for the ways I have failed, and to set my eyes on Jesus and his work and not on myself. The way for me to be an effective and loving father and husband is to love Jesus with all my might by the grace he has given me.

Why Are You At The Fields?

I am at The Fields because I have been lovingly adopted into it. I shared my call to plant a church with Pastor Bryan long before I began this residency. After spending time walking through logistics and seeking his council, it was made known to me that I had a place at The Fields if I wanted it. I gratefully accepted and now here we are, happy to be a part of the family!