Elders are Pastors

Elders are simply Pastors. The Greek word presbuteros in the New Testament is translated elder. There are 2 other Greek words (episcopos-overseer and poimenas-pastor) that describe the same position of elder in the church (Acts 20:28 & 1 Peter 5:1-2). They were responsible for the ministry of the word and prayer in the church (Acts 6:4).

The Bible gives clear qualifications for these men in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 and holds them to a high standard (1 Timothy 3:1). Simply stated, elders must be men who are “above reproach” in every area of their life—personal, home, spiritual, and public. Therefore, elders lead and shepherd the church through prayer and teaching the Scriptures, seeking God’s vision for the church, and equipping the people of the church to do the work of the ministry.

Listen to these sermons to learn more:
"Elders, Servant Leaders"
"Honoring the Elders of the Church"

Elders at The Fields

Elders at The Fields are men who have exemplified those qualifications of elders as prescribed in the New Testament. They are men who have been already working as servant leaders and taking initiative in these areas before being recognized formally as elders. They are not perfect men, but men who worship a perfect savior and strive to be more like him while leading others to do the same. They are humble men who give sacrificially, pray earnestly, serve tirelessly, work strenuously, disciple faithfully, and teach biblically. As a church, we are called to obey and submit to our elders as they keep watch over us like a shepherd looks over his flock. We follow them as they follow Christ.

At the Fields, elder-like men are nominated by the members, considered and approved by the elders, presented to the membership for prayer and consideration, and are then voted on at a members' meeting.  Our current elders are:

2019 Bryan Sloan copy

Bryan Sloan

Elder & Preaching Pastor

2019 Graham Jones copy

Graham Jones

Elder & Worship Pastor


Daniel Kitamura

Lay Elder



Matt Holmquist

Lay Elder