Sanctity of Human Life

Every man, woman, boy, and girl is made in the image of God (Gen 1:26-28). That means every life is special in the eyes of God, from conception to death. That is why value the sanctity of every human life no matter the age, economic status, background, ethnicity, or health of the individual.

We especially want to serve those who are helpless and can't fight for themselves. When women find themselves in the midst of an unwanted pregnancy or pregnant and unable to care for their child, abortion seems to be the first option for many in our culture. As Christians, we not only need to share the truth about human dignity, but we also need to provide good resources, support, and options to those willing to choose life.


This is why we support the Women's Clinic and their ministry to our community. MWC is a local pregnancy clinic that offers free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, education, and support. They have several clinics around Arlington and Mansfield as well as several resale stores that accept and sell second hand goods to support their ministry. If you find yourself pregnant and need help or no someone like that who needs help, please reach out to the Women's Clinic for help.

Adoption Fund

In addition, we have also set up an fund to help families who are willing to serve children through adoption. We believe that adoption, rather than abortion, is the biblical response to accidental, unwanted, unsupported, or orphaned children. Click here for more info about our orphan care.