Worship in Song
Worshiping through music has been used in the church to glorify God and refocus the hearts of his people for centuries. There's a reason the Psalms often command God's people to sing! At the Fields, we use music for that very same reason: to be unified and focused on Jesus Christ and his gospel as we bring him praise. Paul commands us to "let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God" (Col. 3:16)
At each Sunday gathering, we will sing all kinds of songs about the gospel and our transformation from death to life, prioritizing those that promote congregational singing and letting the word of Christ dwell richly in us. The point of singing is not only to hear good music, though we strive to honor God through this art. The point of singing is not only to hear us sing, though we are certainly commanded to and it is to our benefit. The point of singing is to worship God. Our goal is that every song will corporately proclaim Christ and his gospel, and lift his name high.
Original Music
Our worship pastor Graham has taken time to write, play, sing, and record some of his own original songs and albums to help us better consider Christ and all he has done. Check out some of that original music below.
The Thread - 10 songs from the book of Hebrews
Good News, Great Joy - 11 Advent and Christmas songs from Luke 1-2
Weekly Playlist
Below you will find our weekly playlist and catalogue playlist. Listen along with us each week!