Second Nature Life
What is Second Nature? Well, when God created the heavens in the earth, he created mankind in his image. Unfortunately the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, sinned against God. Since then, all mankind inherited their sinful nature. Thankfully, God made a promise way back then to defeat sin and death by sending his Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for our sin. For those who have been saved and have put their faith in Christ, God has overcome the death of our sinful nature and given us life in our second nature. The old has passed away and the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). We were dead in our sins, but God has made us alive (Ephesians 2:1, 4-5). Once we've been given this Second Nature Life, we are called to walk in this Second Nature Lifestyle.
Second Nature Lifestyle
Merriam Webster defines Second Nature as something you can do easily or without much thought because you have done it many times before. We all have something we can do Second Nature. Some of you can play an instrument second nature while others of you play sports. But what if the basics of the faith, like prayer, reading, fasting, giving, disciple making, etc., were Second Nature to us. These are far more important than any skill or talent for those who have been saved. What if we committed to walk by faith and learned to grow in these areas so that they became Second Nature for us? We are not saved by our works, but for good works for his Glory, our good, and others salvation! This sermon series will look at what it truly means to be saved based on what God has done, not what we have done. We will also look at what it means to live according to this Second Nature on a daily basis by diving into the basics of our faith.
Sermon Series
Click here to listen to our Second Nature sermon series.
Second Nature Membership
We launched our membership class after this Second Nature sermon series. As a part of that class, we created 2 discipleship tools to help us grow in our knowledge of God's story and our story and to grow in our Christian life as well. Check out our membership page to read more and download those resources.
Spiritual Discipline Books
Part of living a Second Nature Lifestyle means we will be disciplined in our spiritual life to become more like Christ. It doesn't mean we work hard to earn anything, but because we've been given Second Nature Life, we strive to live in it to the fullest. Spiritual disciplines are those things that help us deny ourself and draw near to God. We want these things to become Second Nature for us as followers of Christ. We want them to become the norm instead of the exception. These books may help you in your journey to grow in the spiritual disciplines and Second Nature Lifestyle.
- Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster
- The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard
- Authentic, Developing the Disciplines of an Authentic Faith by James MacDonald
- The Life You've Always Wanted by John Ortberg